Our blog

Bluebird(s) of Happiness

Bluebird(s) of Happiness

The radio is almost always on at my house. As former reporters, my husband and I like to know what’s going on in the world. But there’s no question that it affects your mood. This morning, I had just decided to listen to music at my desk instead of news radio, when I looked out the window. An Eastern Bluebird fluttered down from the big balsam poplar tree into the grass. As I watched, a couple more settled in the branches.

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Volunteer Profile: Todd Smith

Volunteer Profile: Todd Smith

Todd Smith is a passionate advocate for workplace safety and injury prevention. He has experienced first-hand the devastating effects of a workplace tragedy. Todd’s younger brother Sean, an auto mechanic, was working under a limousine which was supported only by a jack. The jack failed and the car came down on Sean, crushing and killing him instantly. He was just 26.

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My very first friend

My very first friend

Sibling relationships are complex. With me and my brothers, we were friends, teammates, competitors and sometimes enemies. My childhood memories are those of camping trips, watching their hockey games, playing in our tree fort and ski trips. My adult memories were filled with Sunday dinners together, board games with lots of laughs, baseball games, sharing in the excitement of weddings and first babies. Sharing all these moments with my brother Bryan was amazing. I never thought that something could break that.

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Steps for Life: A thousand reasons to walk

Steps for Life: A thousand reasons to walk

We all have different reasons for the projects we tackle, the organizations we support and the ways we invest our time. This fall, volunteers across the country will be cracking open their planning books on a new season of Steps for Life – Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy, leading up to walks from coast to coast next spring. Everyone who participates in Steps for Life has his or her own reasons.

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