What’s your reason to volunteer with Steps for Life? #1000reasonstovolunteer
Doing new things is hard. Scientists have done lots of research into why it’s hard to change our behaviour or to try something new. Humans are creatures of habit, generally inclined to do what’s easier or more familiar.
That makes it all the more impressive that so many people step out of their regular routine to volunteer for Steps for Life – Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy. When you count the committee members plus all those who come out on the day of the walk to guide traffic, hand out t-shirts or collect donations, there are hundreds of volunteers across Canada involved in Steps for Life.
One of the keys to motivation, when you’re trying to adopt a new behaviour, is tying it in to your personal values. Here are just a few ways that Steps for Life may be a good fit for your values:
If you value community – Steps for Life walks happen will happen in more than 25 communities across the country. Getting involved as a volunteer is a way to give back locally, and spend time with other community members.
If you value learning – Volunteering for Steps for Life is a good way to learn new skills. Roles on the planning committee, in particular, give you a chance to develop your abilities in areas like marketing, fundraising, team-building, leadership, logistics and finance.
If you value family – Well, Threads of Life is all about supporting families. Need we say more?
If you value health – Steps for Life aims to promote the importance of workplace health and safety. It also encourages people to get out for some fresh air and exercise.
Every volunteer has his or her own reason for getting involved in Steps for Life. Every year in Canada, roughly 1000 workers are killed on the job, and for many volunteers it’s a personal connection to one of those that prompts them to come out. Others may be inspired by the awareness goals of Steps for Life, by the community spirit, or by a desire to gain experience or hang out with friends or family. We are immensely grateful for all those who volunteer and make Steps for Life happen. If you’d like to become a Steps for Life volunteer, visit stepsforlife.ca, or connect with us by calling 1-888-567-9490.
We’d love to hear what your reason is! Tag us and use the hashtag #1000reasonstovolunteer to share your personal “why”.
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