Our blog

Day of Mourning: Carrying the weight

Day of Mourning: Carrying the weight

April 28th once again brings us the National Day of Mourning; a day marked to reflect on the lives lost or forever changed by workplace injury and illness, and re-commit to the actions required for prevention. There’s an extra layer of heaviness for those who feel this particular loss in their bones — for those who know this pain up close and personally.

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The impact of a Threads of Life speaker

The impact of a Threads of Life speaker

We know our Threads of Life volunteer speakers have impact. By sharing their personal experience of work-related fatality, life-altering injury or occupational disease, they are changing Canada’s workplace safety culture. And we often hear about the unforgettable message a speaker has left with an audience. This spring, after a presentation by one of our speakers, an audience member wrote a moving and poignant testimonial to the effect her story had on him. The writer agreed to share his words here, on the condition that it remain anonymous.

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The ripples of a tribute donation

The ripples of a tribute donation

What is in the meaning behind the word ‘tribute’? Look it up and your will find a variety of meanings, often in reference to showing respect for someone you admire.  We hear about paying tribute to actors during the academy awards. (Actually, I don’t watch the academy awards – perhaps that is one reason. I don’t know much about which actor played in what tv show or movie.)

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When the worst happens: How to help families

When the worst happens: How to help families

We all live and strive for a day when work-related deaths, injuries and illnesses are gone; when everyone returns home from work just as healthy and whole as they were when they left. But until that day comes, tragedies continue to occur. It’s the worst thing most managers or health and safety professionals can imagine. If the worst does happen, the way the employer responds can play a surprisingly important role in the impact that tragedy has.

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Volunteer Profile: Mary Lou Gormley

Volunteer Profile: Mary Lou Gormley

People choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. For some it offers the opportunity to give something back to their community or make a difference to the people around them. For others, it provides a chance to develop new skills or build on existing experiences and knowledge. For our volunteer Mary Lou Gormley, both of these reasons are true.

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