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Steps for Life: Inspired commitment and support
You showed up ready to walk the talk. Wearing bright yellow T-shirts, you shared your commitment to workplace health and safety — and your reasons to walk. Your shared stories brought Steps for Life — and the devastating reality of workplace injury, illness, and death — into the light in your community.
A Gentle Mother’s Day Thought
Grief is not something people get over, but they do learn ways to live with it. Over time it changes and we find ways to incorporate grief with compassion and meaning. Mother’s Day is celebrated by many cultures and in many parts of the world. It is usually a time when families get together to celebrate and honour motherly bonds, but for the grieving it can take on an entirely different meaning.
5 Ways to Make Your Walk Day Shine
It’s finally here, friends — it’s Steps for Life weekend! Let’s show our support for families affected by a workplace tragedy, all while walking forward together in prevention. Here are some last-minute tips to help make your Steps for Life walk the best yet.
Day of Mourning: Action, Remembrance, Awareness
Every April 28, Canadians mark the National Day of Mourning. Ceremonies will take place coast to coast, remembering lives needlessly lost or changed irrevocably.
A truly international Day of Mourning
It is time for a vacation. For several years we have discussed going on a cruise with our close friends. We finally made that happen. The decision to take a Panama Canal cruise seemed like a good idea and we investigated options and made our choices. There were several ports in different countries and we had to sort through options for day tours. They all sounded so exciting, with new things to see and do.
Volunteer Profile: Paulette Raymond
Paulette Raymond knows how powerful words can be. Paulette is a writer—from the time she was very little, she used poetry to process any pain she experienced. So it’s no surprise that her reason for volunteering with Threads of Life is to share her story with others.
Your most powerful reason
At the heart of Steps for Life are the stories of why we walk. Our sons, moms, siblings, and colleagues. Those whose health and safety we aim to protect, and those whose lives were forever changed — or ended — by a workplace tragedy.
Supporting children growing up with workplace tragedy
“Grandpa, can you bring me the big ladder from the shed,” said his five-year-old granddaughter, “I want to climb to Heaven today to see my Daddy. I miss him.” Five-year-old client whose Dad died in a workplace tragedy. Wouldn’t it be lovely if it could be true!
Another beginning
By their nature and definition beginnings are the start of something new. Long ago there was the beginning of my hearing loss which has progressed to the point of limiting earlier pleasures of concerts and public events.
The Changing Face of Corporate Giving
Many are shocked to learn that there are over 170,000 registered non-profits in Canada — over 86,000 of which are registered charities. How do corporations determine which organizations to support?
Building a Safe and Strong Farm for my family
Whether in a city, town or on a farm, raising a family is a challenge no matter where you call home. When raising a family on a farm, the experience isn’t just challenging; it is also incredibly rewarding. But what makes raising kids on a farm so rewarding, is also what makes it the most challenging. That’s because raising children on a farm means they grow up where we work.
Steps for Life Challengers: Show us what you’ve got!
Alright, Steps for Life-ers, it’s time to turn it up a notch! If you really want to make an impact, then you’ll want to join our Team Challenge.