Our blog

Safety First on our Family Farm

Safety First on our Family Farm

Farm Safety is an integral part of our family farm life. As my husband Bruce is self-employed, we cannot afford to lose his work hours due to illness, injury or the loss of his life due to a farm workplace incident. His death would be devasting for our farm family.

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Winter’s wonderings

Winter’s wonderings

Our Canadian winters are predictably…. unpredictable! We have at least three solid months of cold temperatures, ice or snow to align ourselves with. For some it is exciting, for others maybe not so much. Myself, I am looking forward to milder days. I could literally hibernate and I don’t mind sharing that I’ve always preferred the warmth of summer.

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Behind the scenes: Threads of Life speaker training

Behind the scenes: Threads of Life speaker training

With a training session for new speaker volunteers this weekend, I’ll let you in on a little secret. We know speaker training is anxiety-inducing for the volunteers, but the staff are almost as nervous. We so much want everything to go well – for the volunteers to feel successful; for them to experience healing and make new friends; for some powerful stories to be shared; for there to be enough food (actually never a problem at a Threads of Life event!)

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Threads of Life and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Threads of Life and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly established a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were adopted by all 193 United Nations Member States, including Canada. These goals set a timeline to end poverty, improve health and education, reduce inequality, spur economic growth and address climate change by 2030. These goals build on decades of work by the United Nations and their Member States.

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