Our blog

Our Why: Our Champions, Our Heroes

Our Why: Our Champions, Our Heroes

We would like to thank you for being our CHAMPIONS, our HEROES. So far 2020 is nothing like any of us had planned – COVID-19 put a halt to that. In March, in just a matter of days, everything changed for home, work and play. Nothing was untouched, including Steps for Life. Now that May has come to an end, and we have time to reflect, it is truly remarkable what was accomplished in such a short period of time.

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Learning the Workings of a Family Changed Forever

Learning the Workings of a Family Changed Forever

​September of 2014, I had been a critical care nurse in a busy neuro-trauma intensive care unit for 22 years. I had been with many families over the years whose loved one was going to have life-altering injuries or was going to die from their injuries/illnesses. Being relatively naive and uneducated on the long-term effects of grief, I just assumed that they would be sad for a while but eventually their lives would return to normal. I have learned that karma has a nasty way of showing you reality and on September 26th, 2014 I got the hardest lesson of my life when my 17-year-old son Adam was tragically killed at the end of his first week as a co-op student in an auto recycling facility.

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Memory Lane: Each sign tells a story

Memory Lane: Each sign tells a story

In a normal Steps for Life year, Memory Lane is one of the most meaningful parts of the event. It looks a little different in every community, but this is one of the ways Steps for Life-Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy can introduce the faces behind the workplace tragedy statistics. Each sign tells a story, even though we know that the few sentences on that sign are just a tiny fraction of the life of the individual and the family it represents.

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On this Day of Mourning, please remember…

On this Day of Mourning, please remember…

Day of Mourning, marked on April 28, began with Canadian labour unions which wanted to emphasize and recognize the many workers who are killed, injured and made ill in workplaces. For Threads of Life families, April 28 is one day when their personal, intimate story becomes a universal story; when they can join with others to acknowledge publicly the toll that workplace tragedy has taken on their lives.

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Recognizing milestones and celebrating life’s successes, in the face of adversity

Recognizing milestones and celebrating life’s successes, in the face of adversity

As my first full week of social distancing in response to the rapidly evolving threat of COVID-19 came to a close I couldn’t help but think that March is traditionally a very happy time of year for me; the noon day sun is high and the days are getting longer, buds are beginning to form on the trees, and spring vegetation is starting to poke up through last year’s brown grass. The cold winter months are almost in the rear-view mirror and spring is right around the corner.

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