Our blog
United Nations – Sustainable Development Goals
It’s been 6 years since the United Nations General Assembly established the Sustainable Development Goals that were adopted by all 193 United Nations Member States, including Canada.
The goals set a timeline to end poverty, improve health and education, reduce inequality, spur economic growth and address climate change by 2030. There are 17 goals and a total of 169 specific, measurable targets that will help achieve the SDGs.
“You” Are Why We Walk Together
You did it again! Our volunteers, our participants, our sponsors, our communities. You are amazing.
We are floored by the fantastic work done by all of you who walked with us; who walked together.
FamiliesConnect to Benefit from Therapeutic Horticulture
You may have heard of Therapeutic Horticulture and thought “How can a plant give me therapy?!” Gardening promotes physical activity, mental acuity and both social interaction and solitude. All age groups can find something interesting to do in the garden.
Walk together with Emma
Steps for Life-Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy events will fill the next two weekends, and the days between, with fun and meaning. Our big, passionate community across the country will meet in spirit to honour those affected by work-related tragedy, and to spread the word of prevention. Who could say it better than Emma? Emma takes part in memory of her grandfather who was killed on the job. Thanks, Emma, for contributing this poem that covers Steps for Life from A to Z!
Mourning together on April 28
For families affected by work-related tragedy, most of those dates are very personal: a last birthday, the date of the funeral, the day of a missed anniversary or graduation. These are their personal days of mourning.
But National Day of Mourning, April 28 each year, is a date everyone shares, when we can gather in community to honour and remember those killed or injured at work, and refresh our commitment to preventing future tragedies.
We can’t say enough about our volunteers!
How can we possibly thank our volunteers enough? They’re the driving force behind Threads of Life – as volunteer family guides, speakers, Steps for Life planning committees, trade show representatives, family forum support, workshop facilitators, and so much more. We asked our staff to share what our volunteers mean to them. Here’s what they had to say!
Exploring Your Grief and Loss History
Time has a way of shifting our perspective – that’s how we learn and grow. A loss history can allow us space to reflect on past and present grief experiences, giving us insight into how we cope with tragedy. What is normal for each of us requires some reflection....
How we can walk together (even in a pandemic)
Wherever we walk, we walk together. That’s the slogan this year for Steps for Life - Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy. But how can we walk together? Some provinces have just dropped back into COVID lockdown. Across the country, nobody is going anywhere. All...
Connecting Virtually for the Atlantic Family Forum
We’re holding space for you! We know it’s important to families affected by workplace tragedy to come together and make helpful connections with others who understand. It isn’t yet safe for us to gather in person, so this year, Threads of Life is hosting the Atlantic Family Forum online. The Atlantic Virtual Family Forum is designed to offer families support, hope and find ways to cope with a workplace tragedy.
Volunteer Profile: Veronica Suszynski
Veronica Suszynski is a portfolio leader at SAFE Work Manitoba in the Support Services Portfolio, which provides service to all Manitoba employers in the areas of occupational hygiene, musculoskeletal injuries and preventing young worker injuries. Veronica is currently chair of the Winnipeg committee and she is one of Steps for Life’s longest-serving volunteers — 10 years!
The day my life changed… for the better? Lack of training contributed to life-altering injury
Our parents always told my sister and me that we could do whatever we wanted; you just have to work at it. Our taste for hard work began early when we would go with my parents to the farm.
Why you should join Steps for Life – Our 8 top reasons
March is the perfect time to get involved with Steps for Life-Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy. The reasons to register are as numerous and diverse as the people who participate (that is, thousands!) but here are a few of our top reasons: