Our blog

Getting Past the “What Ifs” after a Trauma or Death

Getting Past the “What Ifs” after a Trauma or Death

For those workers who survive a tragic incident and who carry the wound of a workplace tragedy, it can also be hard to ponder how the moment could have been avoided. We may ask ourselves if we were safe enough, mindful enough if we did everything in our power to make sure we were out of harm’s way? We can be cruel and punishing toward ourselves at times, aware that small oversights may have changed our lives and our family’s lives forever.

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Lighting a Candle this Day of Mourning

Lighting a Candle this Day of Mourning

The National Day of Mourning is an important day for Threads of Life family members – a time for private remembrance, but also a time when many choose to share their personal stories in order to honour their loved ones and their own experience, and to help others understand the impact of a death, serious injury or illness caused simply by going to work.

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Every dollar makes a difference

Every dollar makes a difference

Each spring, we gather and walk in our yellow T-shirts to raise awareness and funds to provide support to families affected by a workplace tragedy. The money raised through the event funds so many programs and services for families affected by a workplace tragedy: peer support resources, volunteer and learning opportunities, and above all, the development of an entire community of families who understand the reality of the path you’ve been asked to walk after a workplace tragedy. We walk together so that no one has to walk alone. Side by side; stride by stride.

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