Our blog
Meet 11 Fear-Defying Volunteers
We’ve all heard that old line, that public speaking is everyone’s number one fear. (That and snakes, according to a survey by the Canadian Cancer Society in 2015!) Some people are born storytellers and love the limelight. Others would do almost anything to avoid a...
Forever 21
Jonathan came into this world on April 4, 1983 full of life and never stopped living that way. Jonathan loved anything with a motor. The faster it went the better it was. He was a typical young boy who grew up wanting bigger and better things for himself.
Why I’m thinking of families affected by workplace tragedy this Family Day
Family skates and skis, fishing derbys, festivals, and other local events are all being planned to bring families together for a long weekend of fun. This coming Monday is Family Day — a day dedicated to familial bonding and activities, and now an observance in 6 provinces.
Steps for Life – A Thousand Reasons Why We Walk
For many Steps for Life participants, their reason has a face and a story – it’s their son, their sibling, their friend, their co-worker.
Rising from the ashes of grief: in strength, courage, and love
We’ve been holding Volunteer Family Guide training periodically since 2005. One of our incredible long-term facilitators, Audrey Stringer, was recently reading old journals and shares below her reflections from one of these days – companioning and guiding our family members on their journey to become Volunteer Family Guides.
The Many Benefits of Chair Yoga
At the last monthly Volunteer Family Guide Teleconference, each participant spoke about an aspect of their current experiences. We talk about our children, grandchildren, gardens, holidays. We were asked how the new season of autumn affects us, and I excitedly spoke about my weekly class of chair yoga!
Volunteer Profile: Trevor Wieler
On Steps for Life walk days in Calgary, as in other walk communities across Canada, volunteers mingle with Threads of Life family members, with community members and with sponsors. And it’s those moments that are the most memorable for Trevor Wieler, chairman of the Calgary walk committee.
Winter Memories
Winter is here and with the cooler air, I remember how the chill always affected Jim’s breathing. My husband, Jim, was diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma and the colder air, while welcome after the summer heat, was always more difficult for him to enjoy.
Many hands help meet the need
We’ve been highlighting the many ways our partners and sponsors contribute to Threads of Life’s vision and mission by growing awareness, growing our volunteer base and growing our participation. The fourth piece of the puzzle is growing our revenue.
Volunteers: Threads in the Quilt of Threads of Life
Society has always benefited from volunteering. The idea of people giving their time and talents to help others with no expectation of receiving payment in return is timeless. What has changed is our attempts to quantify the value of volunteers, so that we can fully appreciate the magnitude of their contribution to our local and global community.
Foresight vs. Hindsight
It happened again yesterday: a worker was killed on the job. Three times yesterday, actually, if statistics hold out. A whole bunch more were seriously injured.
Have Fun Raising Funds!
How to hold a fundraising event to support families of workplace tragedy: Each year, Threads of Life is most fortunate to be selected by companies across Canada to receive the proceeds from their fundraising events. A company may hold a golf tournament, hockey tournament or, in the case of one Threads of Life supporter, bring in a dunk tank and charge employees a few dollars for a chance to soak the boss.