Our blog

Distance brings heartbreak and gratitude

Distance brings heartbreak and gratitude

On Friday, March 14, 2014, the most terrible thing happened to my beautiful family. My 21-yearold son Jordan Gahan died in a workplace accident in Firebag, Alberta. He left behind three brothers, mom and dad, grandparents, family, and friends. Most of these people lived in Fredericton, NB, over 3,000 kilometres away.

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Families Need You: Creative Fundraising Ideas for Your Company

Families Need You: Creative Fundraising Ideas for Your Company

So many things have changed this year – how we work, care for our children, go to school, and even how we shop. Most aspects of our lives have changed, both personally and professionally. But one thing that has not changed – is the need for Threads of Life to continue to provide support programs for families who have been impacted by a workplace tragedy. 

We are continuing to deliver our much needed programs, they are just being delivered differently.

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Facing the Challenge … Together

Facing the Challenge … Together

Since early April, when the full realization of the impact of COVID-19 began to take hold, I’ve received many requests from associations representing the non-profit sector and volunteer administrators to complete surveys. They want to learn how the pandemic has affected Threads of Life’s ability to engage volunteers and deliver services. I’ve completed a few, but they can be repetitive, sometimes overly long, and not always user friendly.

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National Virtual Family Forum (NVFF) How-To

National Virtual Family Forum (NVFF) How-To

This year’s Family Forums take place online; a blend of the new and the familiar. Our virtual Family Forum will begin as always with a Reflections Ceremony – a chance for each participant to honour their experience of workplace tragedy. Learning sessions will include Diving into Grief and Loss, Supporting Mental Wellness Through Grief and Trauma, and Giving Gratitude and Finding Your Hope in Loss, plus a closing session. Register for free online, and participate via Zoom. No matter where you are in Canada, we’ve tried to provide sessions that will fit your needs and schedule.

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