Health and safety is important every day of the year. But spring offers a special chance for many workplaces to shine a spotlight on their workers’ health and safety. Day of Mourning in April, NAOSH week and Steps for Life in May, all create a buzz of attention in the spring. Many companies and organizations capitalize on this by planning their own events to remind everyone of the importance of occupational health and safety.

Threads of Life’s volunteer speakers are happy to help employers make that difference.

Each Threads of Life speaker has a story to tell – a moving, motivating story about a day when something went wrong at work. And their stories have an impact – they remind workers why following procedures is critical; and remind managers and supervisors that workplace safety must remain their very first priority. Seeing the faces behind the statistics makes health and safety real, and urgent.

Take it from those who’ve heard a Threads of Life speaker – see some of their comments at right.

April and May are the busiest season for the Threads of Life speakers bureau. In the spring of 2017, our speakers made 55 presentations across Canada, to more than 4,500 people. But our speakers are passionate about changing Canada’s safety culture, and they always want to do more.

If you’re planning a health and safety event for this spring, now is the time to get your request in for a Threads of Life speaker. A true story may be the ingredient that brings your company’s safety program to life.

“Will not be soon forgotten”

– comments about Threads of Life speakers

 “I just wanted to say how very much I enjoyed listening to the speaker’s story. He is a tribute to hard work, determination and positive attitude. The lessons he imparted on safety both in the workplace and in our own homes and workshops will not be soon forgotten. I know a lot of people won’t take the time to email you but please believe me when I tell you that there are many here who share my sentiments. Thank you and have a wonderful (and safe) day.”


“The whole presentation was memorable. It hits home. I feel it changed many peoples’ way of thinking in our group. A lot of people have said if they ever feel like something is not right, this presentation will remind them to do something about it, follow that feeling! The speaker could not have presented this to our group any better. “


“The speaker’s story had a huge impact. She is a very good speaker; her story was emotional but also thought-provoking. It really emphasized how the people left behind by workplace fatalities are affected. Injury prevention is something I am passionate about.”


Susan Haldane