Our blog

A friend along the way: being a Volunteer Family Guide

A friend along the way: being a Volunteer Family Guide

When you’re on a difficult journey, having a companion beside you makes the path seem a little smoother. That’s the role of Threads of Life’s volunteer family guides. Hundreds of people have experienced the healing benefit of being able to talk with someone who has been down a similar road already, and who knows how to listen. Your Volunteer Family Guide may not tell you which way to go, but he or she will be there with you.

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Musical healing

Musical healing

Using music after a loss or difficult life experience I’ve been an accredited music therapist since 2004 and I’ve used music with many different people, to reach many therapeutic goals. Often, we move through our days with music around us. It may be on in the...

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Volunteer profile: Trish Penny

Volunteer profile: Trish Penny

There is a wonderful quotation that says: “Volunteers don’t necessarily have the time, they just have the heart”. At Threads of Life, we certainly know this to be true. Threads of Life exists today because of volunteers giving of themselves with all their heart.  A shining example of this can be found in Trish Penny.

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My journaling journey

My journaling journey

(Posted on December 20, 2016) I jumped right on the journaling bandwagon a few years ago. It is good for you, they said. You will love it, they said. You will feel so much better after you write, they said. This will be perfect for me, I thought! I had been given a...

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Comfort foods to bring us home

Comfort foods to bring us home

Living on the ‘wet coast’ you can expect some rain come Autumn, and November is known as our stormy season. But when I heard a report that it rained 28 out of the 31 days in October, that the typical amount of rain for the month of November was already surpassed...

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Did you hear the one about the…?

Did you hear the one about the…?

A dog goes into a bar and orders a martini. The bartender says, “You don’t see a dog in here drinking a martini very often.” The dog says, “At these prices, I’m not surprised.” All kidding aside, it has been proven time and time again that humour is good for us. The...

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My perception of Time changed when I lost my son Brent to a workplace fatality. Life and Time itself became meaningless for the first couple of years. I began to ponder the word Time, its meaning, its importance and the affect Time has on each of us who have lost.

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Talking to strangers about safety

Talking to strangers about safety

(Posted on October 18, 2016) Most days, you don’t have to look far to spot safety problems all around you. The crew walking around on the neighbours’ roof with no fall protection. The young woman mowing grass for a company near your office, wearing running shoes and...

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Finding healing in the falling leaves

Finding healing in the falling leaves

September, the month across Canada when we notice the trees and plants are changing. In your neighbourhood, perhaps they are turning colours of golden yellow, vibrant orange or crimson red? Some leaves seem to remain green until they actually turn brown and fall off the tree. Our Oak tree seemed to want to hold onto many leaves until early spring. Then there are the many evergreen trees. What do these colours do for you? I realized that in late August, when I started to notice these changes, I became inwardly reflective.

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