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The lost art of courtesy

The lost art of courtesy

There are many definitions of courtesy. NOUN: Excellence of manners, respectful, or considerate act or expression A courteous, respectful, or considerate act or expression Indulgence, consent, or acquiescence: ‘a “colonel” by courtesy rather than by right.’ Favour,...

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Volunteer Profile: Tami Helgeson

Volunteer Profile: Tami Helgeson

Every summer, the gold mine where Tami Helgeson spent her career, hires students and new graduates. Every summer Tami would tell them the story of her son Eric, who died in 1999 at his construction job after a crane tipped over, collapsing the building where Eric was working.

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Witnessing mirrors

It’s hard to believe that this weekend will be the Central Family Forum. This forum will be the ninth anniversary of the first one I attended, the year after my husband Robert died. I only stayed one night that year with our then nine-year-old son Andrew. We were both...

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How you can pay it forward

How you can pay it forward

"You don't pay love back; you pay it forward." - Lily Hardy Hammond, In the Garden of Delight, 1916 Isn’t it true, sometimes, that the people who’ve faced the most hardship and tragedy in their lives show the most kindness and generosity? Knowing what we’ve lost...

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Writing a loss history

Writing a loss history

Writing, in any form, can provide a powerful catharsis. It brings up memories and rekindles feelings. Writing helps you revisit emotions that are important for healing, and express and release those feelings on paper. One very helpful tool for those dealing with a loss is detailing a personal loss history. A loss history highlights how you and your loved ones have dealt with past losses.

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