Each year, we set a theme for Steps for Life – Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy. For the 2020 events, our theme is #MyWhy. Here, National Walk Manager Heather Lyle explains the “why” behind her involvement.
When asked what my “why” is for being involved with Threads of Life and Steps for Life, I realized it wasn’t a simple answer.

In fact, my “why” has certainly changed over the years. In the beginning, my why was more professionally based, maybe more straight forward. Several years ago, I was employed by a Steps for Life sponsor and as part of a company initiative I became involved with Steps for Life – I walked, I fundraised for Threads of Life – to promote health and safety and to support others.
Then it changed. My “Why” became personal. Workplace tragedy struck our family when we received “the call” that no family wants to receive. In losing my step-son, Cody, I reached out to Threads of Life first as a family member, then joined as a staff member.
As the National Manager of Steps for Life, my “why” is now layered with work and home. With a deeper understanding and appreciation for all that we do together, I now walk and fundraise not just for Threads of Life as an organization, but for families like mine. We raise awareness together by remembering our loved ones. Every step counts.
That is my why. What is yours? #MyWhy
Steps for Life events happen the first weekend in May, in most communities. Check our website to find the community closest to you and the date. Watch for registration opening February 1.
You can get involved now by volunteering to help organize your local walk! Check out our volunteer opportunities today!
That’s #MyWhy — What’s yours? Share #MyWhy with us on social media!
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