by Sarah Wheelan | Jun 15, 2023 | Steps for Life
There is no doubt that 2023 was a very big year for Steps for Life. The enthusiasm and support roared as we headed back to the parks for traditional Steps for Life events — crowds of families, friends, and coworkers proudly wearing their yellow T-shirts in...
by Sarah Wheelan | Apr 24, 2023 | Steps for Life
Steps for Life 2023 is happening across the country over the next three weekends! Every Steps for Life walker in a yellow T-shirt is walking for the same reason: to show support for Threads of Life families affected by a workplace tragedy, all while we walk forward...
by Susan Haldane | Apr 6, 2023 | Steps for Life
There’s a chance you missed it at the last Steps for Life walk you went to. Amid the bustle and fun and bright yellow t-shirts, there’s a quiet memorial called Memory Lane. Memory Lane is the heart of an event that has a lot of heart.Memory Lane is a series of signs,...
by Heather Lyle | Mar 9, 2023 | Steps for Life
Steps for Life is just a few weeks away and already many of our corporate and family teams are hard at work, raising money and awareness. The Steps for Life Team Challenge is fun, but it’s more than that — what’s the real meaning behind it?We often...
by Sarah Wheelan | Feb 9, 2023 | Steps for Life
The reason we walk is right in the name: Steps for Life – Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy. We walk in support and prevention, because as any family that has experienced a workplace tragedy will tell you, we can’t continue to have more families...
by adminThreadsofLife | Nov 3, 2022 | Steps for Life, Volunteers
One of the inspiring aspects of each Steps for Life-Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy event is the volunteer committees which organize each local walk. These volunteers truly walk together, and work together too, to ensure the event comes off without a hitch....