Volunteer Profile: Trevor Wieler

Volunteer Profile: Trevor Wieler

On Steps for Life walk days in Calgary, as in other walk communities across Canada, volunteers mingle with Threads of Life family members, with community members and with sponsors. And it’s those moments that are the most memorable for Trevor Wieler, chairman of the...
Many hands help meet the need

Many hands help meet the need

We’ve been highlighting the many ways our partners and sponsors contribute to Threads of Life’s vision and mission by growing awareness, growing our volunteer base and growing our participation. The fourth piece of the puzzle is growing our revenue.Threads of...
Foresight vs. Hindsight

Foresight vs. Hindsight

It happened again yesterday: a worker was killed on the job. Three times yesterday, actually, if statistics hold out. A whole bunch more were seriously injured. Some hazards are hard to anticipate. They may be new, complicated and costly to control. But so many – SO...
Stepping up for 1000 reasons

Stepping up for 1000 reasons

Doing new things is hard. Scientists have done lots of research into why it’s hard to change our behaviour or to try something new. Humans are creatures of habit, generally inclined to do what’s easier or more familiar. That makes it all the more impressive that so...