4 Ways to Make Your Walk Day Shine

4 Ways to Make Your Walk Day Shine

Steps for Life 2023 is happening across the country over the next three weekends! Every Steps for Life walker in a yellow T-shirt is walking for the same reason: to show support for Threads of Life families affected by a workplace tragedy, all while we walk forward...
Walking together, so nobody walks alone

Walking together, so nobody walks alone

The reason we walk is right in the name: Steps for Life – Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy. We walk in support and prevention, because as any family that has experienced a workplace tragedy will tell you, we can’t continue to have more families...
Our beating heart of peer support

Our beating heart of peer support

Who else knows what you’re facing after a workplace injury, illness, or death, except those who’ve also been there? Our volunteer family guides, FamiliesConnect and Family Forum participants, and even the stories shared in our newsletter or here on our blog, are all...