Threads of Life donation boxes in LCBO this spring

(Posted on March 29, 2016)

Yes, that’s us encouraging you to go to one of Ontario’s Liquor Control Board (LCBO) outlets.

No, that doesn’t sound like the usual Threads of Life message.

But from April 1 to 23, LCBO stores will be supporting Threads of Life by displaying donation boxes at their checkout counters.  We are honoured to be one of the charities selected for this program – our fifth year as a partner with LCBO. In 2015 alone, the donation boxes contributed more than $15,000 to help families coping with workplace tragedy.

Families need you


Look for this image on donation boxes at LCBO stores this April

Each year, more families come to Threads of Life for help in the aftermath of a fatality, serious injury or occupational disease. In 2015, 57 new families, or more than 200 family members, found us. With the busy “health and safety season” on the horizon (our annual Steps for Life walk, Day of Mourning and North American Occupational Safety and Health week), we know we will get more calls and emails from more families who need to know there’s hope.

We know you get it

Our Threads of Life supporters understand the importance of being there for families of workplace tragedy. You know that workplace health and safety matters. So if you’re in Ontario in April, be sure to drop by your local LCBO and drop your change into the donation box. And thank the store staff for us!

There are other ways to give

If you don’t visit LCBO stores or you’re not in Ontario, you can still help create hope for those new Threads of Life families. Visit the Threads of Life web site and make an online donation.

Thanks, LCBO! And thank YOU for making spring a little more hopeful for those hurt by workplace tragedy.

Susan Haldane