Steps for Life is just a few weeks away and already many of our corporate and family teams are hard at work, raising money and awareness. The Steps for Life Team Challenge is fun, but it’s more than that — what’s the real meaning behind it?

The team’s all ready in Thunder Bay!
We often talk about Steps for Life, and Threads of Life as if they were two separate entities. Threads of Life is the organization — a charity, and Steps for Life – Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy is the main event that supports that charity. As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Threads of Life in 2023, we remember the origin of the organization’s name – the threads that bind us together. None of us are really a single thread. We are connected as family members; we are connected as partners who bring awareness to health and safety issues and the stories that are shared. This “thread” united us, tightly woven — and stronger together.
This year, we thought we’d give you a peek behind the curtain with social posts on Instagram and LinkedIn sharing some of the behind-the-scenes preparations for Steps for Life. Of course these posts reveal only a small piece of what happens throughout the Steps for Life season. Thousands of tasks carried out by staff and volunteers weave together to make the event a reality. Our success is demonstrated each year in the eyes opened to the importance of workplace safety, and the funds raised to support those affected by tragedy. Without everyone’s participation, we wouldn’t be able to provide the services we do for our families that need them.

Three key members of the Threads of Life team: our Regional Development Coordinators! L-R: Tracey Csordas (Central), Shari Hinz (West), and Sarah de Lange (Atlantic)
So when I think about “teams”, I think about all of us. We are a team here as staff; our volunteers are a team, our sponsors are a team, and our walkers are a team. But collectively, we are all on ONE team: the Threads of Life Team that every year comes together to walk in our national event, Steps for Life.
Together, let’s make 2023 the best year ever! Let’s encourage each other, inspire many, and invite others to join us. Register your team today at, and become part of the Threads of Life Team ensuring ongoing support for families affected by a workplace tragedy.
- The threads that connect us … as one big team - March 9, 2023
- Helping you help families through Steps for Life fundraising - March 31, 2022
- Ready, set….GO REGISTER! - February 24, 2022