Sharing the story of ‘The Dreaded Call’

We know our Threads of Life volunteer speakers have impact. By sharing their personal experience of work-related fatality, life-altering injury or occupational disease, they are changing Canada’s workplace safety culture. And we often hear about the unforgettable message a speaker has left with an audience. This spring, after a presentation by one of our speakers, an audience member wrote a moving and poignant testimonial to the effect her story had on him. The writer agreed to share his words here, on the condition that it remain anonymous.

The Dreaded Call

When your phone rings late at night or in the wee hours of the morning, it’s usually not good news!  One answers with a sense of dread of what they’re about to hear.

Today…I heard first hand of how one of these calls permanently altered the very existence of yet another family that has been so devastated by a workplace accident.

Today…I witnessed a tremendous demonstration of courage by a daughter who has now dedicated herself to unselfishly sharing the dreadful reality of losing her father, after a fall from a ladder.

Today…one could hear a pin drop as she spoke, and not a dry eye could I see.

Today… it is with the greatest of respect that I applaud “Threads of Life”!  Our community is a better place because of these courageous volunteers who, in such a raw and emotional way, exclaim that everyone deserves to arrive home SAFE!

Thank you to the writer for sharing his response. Thank you to all our volunteer speakers for sharing their hearts and their stories.

A Threads of Life speaker can have this kind of impact on your workplace too. Learn more!


Susan Haldane