(And a bonus reason!)
But here’s why you should wait no longer – today’s the day to go online and make it official!
Steps for Life – Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy is the top public, national health and safety event in the country. It draws together not only health and safety professionals, but workers and employers; small business and huge companies; seniors, students and kids; families and friends. The walk not only helps people who’ve been personally affected by workplace tragedies – it also works to prevent those tragedies in the future, by generating knowledge and commitment to workplace health and safety.
So that’s WHY.
But why NOW?
- The countdown is on. Most Steps for Life events are only a month away. A few are even sooner! A month is still enough time to get your fundraising organized and make a real difference for those who need Threads of Life’s programs and services. Once you’ve registered, it’s easy to use the online tools to reach out to your co-workers, friends and family to support your commitment.
Your neighbours need you! You may not even know them, but there are people in your community whose lives have been changed by a work-related fatality, serious injury or occupational disease. As people who are passionate about health and safety, our work is not done until everyone who needs Threads of Life knows about and has access to the programs. And our work is not done until workplace tragedies are eliminated. You can help, and walking in Steps for Life is a great way to begin. Better get started today!
- You can move the markers. Goals, goals, goals – every Steps for Life community has a fundraising goal, and every participant can set a goal as well. What feels better than seeing those counters slide up, and knowing you’ve made that happen? As of this week, we’re more than a third of the way to our national goal – great progress, but a long way to go. You can make a difference!
- Did we mention savings and prizes? The early bird gets the good stuff. We don’t have any worms for you, but if you register before April 15, you save $5 on each registration – if you’re registering a team of five or ten people, that amounts to a substantial savings. And team captains who register before the early bird deadline are entered in a random draw for a prize!
Visit the web site today. Choose the community closest to you, register to walk and share your fundraising goals. If you’re not close to a Steps for Life community, or want to organize an on-site workplace event, check out Your Walk Your Way.
Bonus reason: Today’s the fourth day of the fourth month. It’s a great day FOUR safety! Why not register now?
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