Nevin Di Julio is a go-to guy, but after a horrific workplace incident he suddenly went from caregiver to care recipient. While training as a fryer at a Nova Scotia potato processing plant, he sustained burns to 45% of his body.
Within seconds, Nevin Di Julio went from being the guy who helped everyone to needing everyone’s help. During his four-year recovery, Nevin relied on family for crucial support. He has also come to consider Threads of Life family. “At my first Family Forum, I realized we weren’t on our own.”
The burns were just the beginning. “As life altering and devastating as the physical injuries are,” Nevin says as he looks back over his four-year recovery, “they are more easily attended to than the emotional effect an experience like this has on a person.”
Married with four kids and a grandson, Nevin quickly appreciated the support that only family can provide. Today, his family includes Threads of Life.
“At my first Family Forum, I realized that my family wasn’t on its own. I wasn’t on my own. Other people were feeling the things we were feeling. They were going through similar situations and dealing with the same situations we were.”
Now, as a Speakers Bureau member, Nevin has become a go-to guy for Threads of Life.
Read more about Nevin’s story on page 4 of the Fall 2015 newsletter.
You can help families like Nevin’s, coping with the devastating impact of a life-altering injury or other workplace tragedy. Here’s how:
Donate: your gift will directly support Canadian families affected by workplace fatalities, life-altering injuries and occupational disease
Designate: make Threads of Life your company’s Charity of Choice
Volunteer: help out with our annual Steps for Life walk – see www.stepsforlife.ca
Spread the word: let those who need help know where to find it.
If you or a loved one have experienced a life-altering workplace injury or other workplace tragedy, read about how Threads of Life can help you.