Forget Me Not book cover

“You’re in danger, but no one warns you…” author Scott Williams writes early in the book Forget Me Not. “Did you know what was about to happen? Did you feel the blow?”

The story of Karl Stunt, who was killed working at a ski hill in Alberta, is just one of 21 stories of workplace tragedy included in Forget Me Not.

The book, published in 2011, shares first-hand honest and compelling testimony about family life in the aftermath of a workplace tragedy. Readers will find lessons learned from survivors, tales of personal courage and love, challenges and heart-warming triumphs.

Threads of Life published Forget Me Not to show Canadians the human stories behind the workplace statistics. Each chapter brings the reader inside a family’s life, after an injury or fatality or the diagnosis of an occupational disease. These families are the unsung heroes who will move heaven and earth to make this world a safer place by sharing their most private thoughts and by their actions. You can read this book randomly by chapter or read it from cover to cover. Although each story is unique, they all share the same thread – every one of these workplace tragedies and the resulting losses, was preventable.

Sidebars present facts about health and safety hazards across multiple workplace sectors including construction, industrial workplaces, fisheries, agriculture, forestry, and others. Forget Me Not also lists resources available for other families grieving a fatality, serious injury or occupational disease, including Threads of Life’s own programs and services.

Susan Haldane