How can we help you?

How can we help you?

Are you new to Threads of Life? Wondering where you fit or what programs will be best for you? Let us take you on a guided tour to find the support you need. Are you new to Threads of Life? Wondering where you fit or what programs will be best for you? When you’re...
Four ways you can help spread the word

Four ways you can help spread the word

We hear it all the time: families who wish they’d heard of Threads of Life sooner; companies that tell us ‘we’d never heard of you guys’ but who are happy to support our work; friends and strangers who ask “what’s that?” when we mention Threads of Life. One of the...
A life of giving, cut short by illness

A life of giving, cut short by illness

by Alka ChevliMy father, Jayvadan Chevli, was a hard-working man who immigrated to Canada over 49 years ago, hoping to provide a better life for his family. He was full of energy, vitality, and optimism, always looking for opportunities to improve life for himself and...
Sharing the Weight of Workplace Tragedy

Sharing the Weight of Workplace Tragedy

Most of us will never find ourselves at the top of Mount Everest. But we can all imagine the months of training and preparation, the lists of gear and provisions, the challenge of days of climbing in thin air, carrying all those supplies on your back. And we can...