Start a new Family Day tradition

Start a new Family Day tradition

Family Day. A day to celebrate being together with our family during a long Canadian winter. What are you doing this family day? Spending time with loved ones, relaxing and sharing a meal together, maybe doing some outdoor winter activities with family, or heading out...
Musical healing

Musical healing

Using music after a loss or difficult life experience I’ve been an accredited music therapist since 2004 and I’ve used music with many different people, to reach many therapeutic goals. Often, we move through our days with music around us. It may be on in the...
My journaling journey

My journaling journey

(Posted on December 20, 2016) I jumped right on the journaling bandwagon a few years ago. It is good for you, they said. You will love it, they said. You will feel so much better after you write, they said. This will be perfect for me, I thought! I had been given a...
Comfort foods to bring us home

Comfort foods to bring us home

Living on the ‘wet coast’ you can expect some rain come Autumn, and November is known as our stormy season. But when I heard a report that it rained 28 out of the 31 days in October, that the typical amount of rain for the month of November was already surpassed...
Did you hear the one about the…?

Did you hear the one about the…?

A dog goes into a bar and orders a martini. The bartender says, “You don’t see a dog in here drinking a martini very often.” The dog says, “At these prices, I’m not surprised.” All kidding aside, it has been proven time and time again that humour is good for us. The...