Pets are important to many people, including our staff! They have a significant impact on our lives. They can lift our spirits and make us feel better both physically and emotionally. The pet people agree: they care for us as much as we care for them. Though our connections with families impacted by a workplace tragedy, we are certainly aware that pets are a part of the family and a welcome source of companionship, comfort, and love. They absolutely contribute to our own self-care plan or work/ life balance.
We’d like you to meet some of the furry friends, past and present, who’ve been supporting our staff over the years:
Lorna Catrambone,
Director of Development name is Brady. I’m a Bichon/Poodle cross and recently turned 15. I’m enjoying my retirement years thanks to my human named Lorna and her family. I feel I’ve trained my humans well. They walk me, and feed me, and let me sit on their laps whenever I want. I think they enjoy it as much as I do. I also have full access to furniture, so I can nap in all the comfy places. I’ve gotten really good at sleeping, and it’s how I spend most of my time.

Sarah Wheelan,
Communications Coordinator
My co-worker, Molly, has been by my side for most of my years at Threads of Life. Molly has a way of keeping my perspective in check — nothing is more important than maintaining regular exercise, companionship, rest, and good food. And hitting the trails makes any day better!

Dwayne Boyd,
Regional Development Coordinator
– Atlantic Canada
“Shani is a 7-year-old German Shepherd with a sable-colored coat. Her role in my life is to remind me of the importance of taking walks and spending quality time together, through her incessant requests for cuddles and playtime. Shani’s playful nature and persistent gaze encourage me to spend more time outdoors, where we frequently enjoy playing fetch and taking long walks in the woods.”

Susan Haldane,
Manager, Marketing and Communications
“I have the tooth-marks on my desk from when Aggie was a puppy. She is an Australian Shepherd and needs lots of exercise and attention, so sometimes when she gets too squirrely in the house, we go outside for 10 minutes and I kick her soccer ball around – an enforced break from deskwork for me. She definitely keeps me grounded.”

Shari Hinz,
Regional Development Coordinator
– Western Canada
Rudy is always up for a walk (or a run given his energy) so he makes it easy to stay motivated to get your steps in every day. He’s equally motivated for naps so truly lives his best life!

Shirley Hickman,
Executive Director (Belle) and
Sandra Hickman,
Production Coordinator (Bailey)
Belle June 17, 2011 – August 18, 2023
A cute little golden retriever was carried around by our granddaughters (Sandra and Michael’s daughters) in their stroller or they tried to dress her up. A couple of years later, she became a mother to their chocolate lab, Bailey. Those two dogs were best friends and travelled across Canada together when we moved. Bailey used to cuddle under Belle’s neck, then outgrew that so just laid on her whenever she wanted a cuddle. Middle-aged and senior Belle was a great companion dog to Bob and I and to our family. Lots of fond memories. We will always be thankful.

Georgina Murphy,
Regional Development Coordinator
– Central Canada
Meet Shamrock – 6 lbs of pure love.
Shamrock, a seven-year-old yorkie, also frequently answers to Shammy and Shamalou. She keeps us active by getting out for fresh air and walks several times a day – rain or shine. Her favourite spot when I’m working is on her own chair positioned right next to mine. We take breaks during the day for coffee refills and belly scratches. Working remotely gets two thumbs and four paws up from us.

Karen Lapierre Pitts,
Manager, Family Support
Patches follows me to my desk every morning. Her favourite activity is birdwatching from the window. Sometimes she naps but I have learned she is a great timekeeper also. She pops out of her playhouse in the corner of my office to remind me it’s time to take a break or have a stretch.

- Surviving the Season - December 12, 2024
- Behind the Scenes: Honouring our Pets—Past and present - February 21, 2024
- What to Expect: Your First Family Forum - February 8, 2024