Writing a loss history

Writing a loss history

(Based on Threads of Life Resource Guide for Volunteer Family Guides, from Joanne Overbeck, Dallas TX) Writing, in any form, can provide a powerful catharsis. It brings up memories and rekindles feelings. Writing helps you revisit emotions that are important for...
Six lessons from an old dog

Six lessons from an old dog

He came to us when he was six months old. He needed a farm home because as a mostly border collie, he was steadily shredding the downtown city home where he lived. Now he’s 14, and it’s hard to remember a time pre-Riley. In the past few months we’ve been forced to...
“I cherish those moments”

“I cherish those moments”

Just a couple of weeks after this year’s Steps for Life walk in Sarnia, a worker at a local business was killed on the job. For Mark Roehler, chairman of the Sarnia walk committee, it was a sad reminder of why  the walk – and the work of the volunteers – is so...
Miss you, Dad

Miss you, Dad

Remembering relationships cut short by workplace tragedy The connection between a father and daughter can be a very special one. The connection evolves and matures through the years, but even when she is a fully independent adult, somehow a daughter is still “Daddy’s...
Look at the difference you made!

Look at the difference you made!

All year we’ve been saying that ‘one’ can make a difference: one volunteer, one walker, one fundraiser, one sponsor. Of course everyone knows that when we put a whole bunch of ‘ones’ together, that impact grows by huge steps. You could call those “Steps for Life”!...