by Sarah Wheelan | Feb 10, 2016 | How We Help, Volunteers
It’s a great honour to hear someone share their story of loss — to be invited to bear witness to such love and deep pain, and to be trusted with its weight.Each year our Threads of Life speaker volunteers present their stories dozens of times in venues and...
by Sarah Wheelan | Sep 1, 2015 | Grief, Growth, and Self-Care, How We Help
Threads of Life tries to provide family members with as many different healing tools as possible. It often takes several tools to build your own personal coping and healing strategy, so you may need to try a few on for size!One size does not fit all, nor should it....
by Sarah Wheelan | Jul 28, 2015 | How We Help
I think it’s just human nature to believe that truly horrible things only happen to other people. That somehow, by virtue of being an average person with an average life and average dreams, the law of averages will also – somehow – mostly round out the...
by Sarah Wheelan | Jun 30, 2015 | Health and Safety
Summer is here, and with it come summer jobs and young worker safety campaigns and enforcement blitzes. It’s the season of young worker safety. For many of our families here at Threads of Life, including mine, it’s personal. We know the horrific reality...