by Sarah Wheelan | Apr 4, 2019 | How We Help, Steps for Life, Volunteers
At the heart of Steps for Life are the stories of why we walk. Our sons, moms, siblings, and colleagues. Those whose health and safety we aim to protect, and those whose lives were forever changed — or ended — by a workplace tragedy. At each Steps for Life...
by Sarah Wheelan | Feb 14, 2019 | How We Help
Family skates and skis, fishing derbys, festivals, and other local events are all being planned to bring families together for a long weekend of fun. This coming Monday is Family Day — a day dedicated to familial bonding and activities, and now an observance in...
by Sarah Wheelan | Aug 14, 2018 | Our Family Stories
Fifteen years ago, the lights went out across the entire eastern seaboard, in what is still known simply as “the blackout”. My brother Lewis died that night – sometime in the early morning hours of August 15, 2003. He was 21 years old. I still get choked up...
by Sarah Wheelan | Apr 24, 2018 | Day of Mourning, How We Help
April 28th once again brings us the National Day of Mourning; a day marked to reflect on the lives lost or forever changed by workplace injury and illness, and re-commit to the actions required for prevention. There’s an extra layer of heaviness for those who feel...
by Sarah Wheelan | Apr 10, 2018 | Grief, Growth, and Self-Care
Each year on April 10th, my Facebook newsfeed floods with pictures and posts of friends and family members tagging siblings in photos new and old under the #NationalSiblingsDay hashtag. Siblings Day is recognized in some US States, and a campaign has been ongoing for...