You-shaped self-care

You-shaped self-care

Over the past few years, as self-care has risen in popularity, it has also risen in complexity. With products, classes, activities, and recommendations coming from every direction, it can feel really challenging to weed through everything and see what’s right for you....
Volunteer Profile: Paulette Raymond

Volunteer Profile: Paulette Raymond

Paulette Raymond knows how powerful words can be. Paulette is a writer—from the time she was very little, she used poetry to process any pain she experienced. So it’s no surprise that her reason for volunteering with Threads of Life is to share her story with...
Have Fun Raising Funds!

Have Fun Raising Funds!

How YOU Can Support Families of Workplace Tragedy? by Lorna Catrambone and Lynn Danbrook Each year, Threads of Life is grateful to organizations across Canada for hosting events that raise funds for, and awareness of, Threads of Life. We have received the proceeds...