How can we possibly thank our volunteers enough? They’re the driving force behind Threads of Life – as volunteer family guides, speakers, Steps for Life planning committees, trade show representatives, family forum support, workshop facilitators, and so much more. We asked our staff to share what our volunteers mean to them. Here’s what they had to say!
Lorna: Our volunteers are dedicated, passionate, creative, committed, and caring
“I’m constantly amazed at the dedication that Threads of Life volunteers demonstrate in everything they do. Our Steps for Life planning volunteers have always shown such creativity and commitment, especially during the many changes we’ve faced in the last year. It is an honour to work alongside a team of volunteers who freely give their time, talent and heart on a daily basis.”
Scott: The words I’d use to describe our volunteers are inspirational, compassionate, kind, generous, loving, healing
“Our family volunteers are the lifeblood of Threads of Life. They give of themselves to help others heal. Through the sharing of their stories, they inspire others to take action to come home healthy and safe. Our volunteers allow Threads of Life’s mission to be realized:
To help families heal through a community of support and to promote the elimination of life-altering workplace injuries, illnesses, and deaths.”
Sarah: Our volunteers are creative, passionate, and keen
“I am consistently inspired by the creativity and passion of our social media leads! These key volunteers have taken on leading their local Steps for Life walk promotions on Facebook and other social media channels. They’re always striving for more engagement and brainstorming new ideas to build the online community around Steps for Life. As we’ve shifted more and more focus to virtual engagement and fundraising, we’ve never needed them more — and I’ve never been more grateful for their support and creative energy!”
Shirley: The words that describe our volunteers for me are committed, passionate, caring, share, respect
“A small group of committed volunteers started Threads of Life and volunteers keep the awareness of Threads of Life going. When I reflect on the Threads of Life values – caring, listening, sharing, respect, health and passion, I see those in each of our volunteers. Our Board of Directors reflect on the governance, strategic plan and future growth. Our Volunteer Family Guides listen to new family members and ensure they are welcomed to a caring community of support. Our speakers share their passion for prevention by sharing their personal story to students, workers and employers. Along with these volunteers, there are many community volunteers and organizations. I have the privilege of working with this amazing group of committed volunteers. Together we work steadfastly towards the vision where all workers come home to their family well at the end of their workday.”
Sharon: I describe our volunteers as passionate, skilled, inspiring, good-hearted, and generous
“Everyone is a volunteer on my Toronto Steps for Life committee. They are energizing, inspiring, passionate, and making a difference. They believe in our mission and vision and want to make a difference in raising awareness in health & safety. Each person brings value to the committee and I am blessed to work alongside each of them for our common goal ‘to help families of workplace tragedy.’”
Heather: Our Steps for Life volunteers are dedicated, loyal, kind, creative, and committed
“I speak to our volunteers often through their commitment to Steps for Life and their community events. As both a family member and staff member, I appreciate everything our volunteers do from raising awareness of Threads of Life to raising funds for our programs. We truly couldn’t do it without them. They are the foundation that allows us to build on our mission and vision.”
Karen: I’d describe our volunteer family guides as passionate, giving, hope, caring, a community, appreciated
“Our Volunteer Family Guides journey along with others whose lives have been forever changed by a work-related tragedy. They provide support, hope and a true connection to someone who understands when the worst happens. When a family reaches out not knowing what to expect or where to turn, it is comforting to know our volunteers are ready to help, to listen, to guide them through.”
Kimberly: our speakers are devoted, passionate, selfless, amazing, and tireless
“In my role, I typically encounter our Speaker Bureau volunteers the most. Anytime our volunteers have expenses they connect with me for reimbursement. Aside from this, I get to connect with volunteers a few times a year during the Family Forums and the FamiliesConnect Workshops. I am incredibly grateful to take part in both the forums and workshops because our volunteers are the face of our organization. Just like it is so important for the world to see how inspiring and devoted they are, I believe it is just as important for our staff to be continually reminded how lucky we are to have such tireless and selfless volunteers. It helps push us as staff that much more to continue to work and enhance our programs. My heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our volunteers!”
Zaria: Our volunteers are inspirational, amazing, hardworking, powerful
“I encounter volunteers during a phone or video conversation. It is always a great experience meeting new volunteers and talking to them about their journey and how they came to Threads of Life. I love talking with them and learning about them and why they love volunteering.”
Patti: Our volunteers are dedicated, compassionate, caring, sincere
“Our Volunteers are very dedicated and always willing to help whenever asked!”
Sandra: A few key words come to mind to describe our speaker volunteers — dedicated, amazing, passionate, committed, brave
“One of my favourite parts of my job is getting to train our speakers. It truly amazes me to watch the transformation of our volunteers over the weekend of training. I feel like a mother hen with tufted out feathers of pride when I watch their first presentation to the group. I believe, or dare I say, I know that the bravery of these volunteers sharing their stories will truly make a difference in other Canadian workers’ health and safety. Thank you for letting me be a small part of your journey of healing.”
Kelley: Our volunteers are passionate, dedicated, caring.
“The volunteers that I encounter in my role include family members who volunteer at family forums and speakers who need to travel anywhere for their presentations. In both scenarios, the volunteers are ready to assist in whatever way they can to help new families or to spread the workplace safety message across the country. It is remarkable at a family forum to see people volunteer to help with any job necessary, from helping at registration tables, to presenting a workshop. No job is too big or too small for our amazing volunteers. I think interacting with our volunteers makes us a better staff. They are the heart of the organization and we as staff couldn’t do our jobs without the volunteers and their support. They inspire us and keep us going on a daily basis.”
Susan: Our volunteers are passionate, selfless, generous, and kind
“The very first week I started at Threads of Life, eight-plus years ago, I needed to phone up one of our volunteer speakers to see if she could share her story at a school. She was wonderful – gracious, warm, professional, committed. This was a new kind of work for me – engaging closely with individual volunteers – and I loved it from Day One. Every time I get to talk to or even email with one of our family members who’s sharing a story for the speaker’s bureau or in the newsletter, it brightens my day. You give so much of yourselves, even when it hurts, and you always do it with the good of someone else at heart: the person out there who may need to read your story to know they’re not alone; the worker who needs a reminder of why they should take the safe route; the employer who could use a flash of insight about the impact when things go wrong at work. I’m so grateful for every one of you!”
- International Volunteer Day: Celebrating Threads of Life’s remarkable volunteers - December 5, 2024
- Volunteers provide mission-critical support - December 5, 2023
- Volunteering Weaves us Together - April 20, 2023