With the year’s end fast approaching, many companies reflect on the past year’s successes and will begin setting goals and looking ahead to the new year. In today’s society, customers are becoming increasingly aware about local, national and global issues and their buying decisions may be greatly influenced by these issues. Companies are often looking for ways to align themselves with organizations that will highlight their commitment to corporate social responsibility while also increasing their company’s brand awareness. As an added bonus, customers will often buy more from companies that show their concern and take action over issues that resonate with them. There are many ways corporate sponsors can partner with Threads of Life at a national, provincial and community level that allow companies to reflect their values.
Steps for Life-Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy is the signature fundraising event for Threads of Life and offers opportunities ranging from a $250 Stepping Forward sponsorship to a $2000 Champion level, and many companies end up becoming a National Sponsor. Threads of Life’s mission is to help families heal through a community of support and to promote the elimination of life-altering workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths. This work relies on the willingness of many individuals and organizations that generously support Steps for Life to raise money for programs and services that are available to our families at no cost.

Steps for Life walkers take a path through Memory Lane — a series of signs bearing the names, faces, and stories of workers who have suffered a workplace fatality, life-altering injury, or occupational disease.
Becoming a sponsor for Steps for Life demonstrates a company’s commitment to workplace safety and Steps for Life sponsors also reap the benefits. Every level of sponsorship offers forms of recognition such as a logo on t-shirts or signage, space to exhibit at the walk, and even a chance to officially welcome walkers to the event.
With the support of our generous partners and sponsors, Threads of Life will continue to lead and inspire a culture shift as a result of which work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths are morally, socially and economically unacceptable.
- In Profile: Thunder Bay Steps for Life Committee - March 7, 2025
- Help us spread the Safety Message! - March 5, 2025
- Taking the first step for Steps for Life - February 6, 2025