“You don’t pay love back; you pay it forward.”

If you had to pay back all the people who have watched out for you or showed you kindness over your lifetime, where would you start? Your grandparents, your parents, the teachers who took their time, the neighbour or coach who helped you grow, the co-worker who kept you safe – you can never pay it all back, but fortunately you CAN pay it forward! And it’s time to get started!

Taking part in Steps for Life – Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy is one way we can each make our world – whether that’s our family, our town or our workplace – a better place. When you register and raise funds for Steps for Life, you’re supporting people who’ve experienced a workplace tragedy, and you’re helping to prevent future work-related fatalities, injuries and illnesses.

Steps for Life walks happen in communities across Canada in late April and early May. Sign up as a walker, or better yet, organize a team challenge! Just gather together three or more friends, family or co-workers, and compete for bragging rights in your town or company.


Registering for Steps for Life is now easier than ever before. And our new web site offers a toolkit of ‘how-to’s for everything you want to do – register yourself, register a team or raise money.

Steps for Life is a terrific way to pay it forward by raising awareness in your community about the importance of health and safety, and the consequences of a workplace tragedy. Nothing catches peoples’ attention like that bright tapestry of yellow t-shirts in a local park. But Steps for Life is more than that – it’s also the primary fundraiser for Threads of Life, and the funds raised each year help to sustain programs like our family forums and volunteer family guides.

5 easy steps to to register!

Talk about paying it forward! How does it feel to know every dollar you raise is helping someone feel they’re not alone in the wake of a work-related tragedy? When you register, why not get the goodness started by making a kick-start donation to your own walk? If you donate to your own event first, you’ll encourage other people to contribute too. You’ll multiply the impact of every step you take.  

Pay forward to the world all the love and kindness you’ve received, and more – register today for Steps for Life!

Susan Haldane