Join in the final push to support Steps for Life – Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy

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Are you deadline-driven? Work best when the pressure is on?

Well, then your timing is perfect!

Steps for Life walks happen in communities across Canada over the next two weeks – just enough time to help surpass our goal of $650,000 nationally! We’re already half-way there, and we know the final days are the crucial time for each of us to top up our personal fundraising.

If you (like me) are not a natural-born fundraiser, there are still ways you can make it happen.

Just do it. Sure, it’s uncomfortable to ask people for money, but remember all the times you bought chocolate bars from the neighbours’ kids, donated to your co-workers’ service club, or shelled out for magazine subscriptions for your niece’s school? They won’t be offended when you ask them to support your walk.

Make it personal.  If you tell people why Steps for Life is important to you, they’ll be more willing to donate for your walk. Do you have a personal connection to a workplace tragedy? Share that story, if you’re comfortable, to let people know this is close to your heart. Or tell others why you work safely. For me, I walk because I have two sons soon entering the workforce – and I walk in honour of all the amazing, passionate volunteers I get to work with at Threads of Life. Whether you’re personalizing your fundraising home page, knocking on your neighbours’ doors, or emailing your work colleagues, a personal touch helps.

Use all the resources. There’s tons of information on the Steps for Life web site that will help you with your fundraising –  check out all the tips there! Read some suggestions from two of our primo family fundraisers, in last year’s newsletter. And don’t forget to check whether your employer has a program to match your donation – lots do!

All the funds raised through Steps for Life are used to help people whose lives have been turned upside down by a work-related fatality, injury or disease. By fundraising for Steps for Life – and by donating – you can help weave a network of healing and hope for these people, and you can help ensure that no more lives are affected this way.

I’ve almost reached my fundraising goal and – seriously – if I can do it, you can do it. Let’s go!

Susan Haldane