The FamiliesConnect Workshop Series continues to grow as more families sign in each month. The flexibility of an online session is unparalleled — especially as a newcomer to Threads of Life. Choose to engage as little or much as you like, camera on or off, type in the chat. FamiliesConnect workshops offer you a chance to get to know the volunteers, families, and staff behind Threads of Life, from the comfort of your own home.

Every session is led by a grief counsellor, Threads of Life staff member, or a skilled volunteer. Each workshop is designed to provide insight into a specific area, while gathering on your experience as participants. You can share as much or as little as you want, as the community supports you.

Partners and funders have made it possible for workshops to be offered at no charge. Sessions are recommended for those who are 14 years of age and older, who are emotionally ready to heal, share their grief and hear others’ experiences. Seats are limited, so register today!

FamiliesConnect: Dreams, Signs, and Coincidences: Ways our Loved Ones Stay Connected

Join Eunice on April 20, 2022  6-8 p.m. EDT (convert for my time zone)

Upcoming workshops:Increase Your Sense of Awareness of True Kindness and True Friendship – May 18

blue heart shaped rock held in an open palmMay 18, 2022  6-8 p.m. EDT (convert for my time zone)

Have you ever really thought about the word “KINDNESS” and the actual weight it carries? For “Kindness” to be present there are three conditions: “the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.” So, one can be friendly and not kind or both generous and considerate and not kind. When all three conditions are present, we feel the pleasure of real friendship. Being kind to yourself is an essential form of selfcare and a vital foundation for sustained kindness to others. I am hoping you will join me in this discussion of Kindness. It’s such a common, simple everyday word, involving sometimes such simple acts and yet capable of transforming the world of a person who has suffered a workplace tragedy from hopelessness and despair to encouragement and hope. I look forward to the sharing of thoughts, ideas and experiences.

Joanne was born and raised on beautiful Manitoulin Island. She graduated from Marymount School of Nursing at the Sudbury General Hospital in 1969. She nursed in Home Care and Long Term Care settings focusing mainly on the elderly. She has dealt with death, dying, grief and bereavement over her 40-year nursing career. Even with all her nursing experiences and book learning, she feels she was totally unprepared for her personal heart-wrenching loss.

Tragic optimist or Cynical pessimist – June 8

Wed. 8 June @ 6 – 8 p.m. EDT (convert for my time zone)

Do you go through life with your cup half-full or your cup half-empty? Are you a worrier? Do you waste your good energy on problems that may not come to your door? Or do you just take one day at a time and deal with what life throws in your path? This session will explore the benefits of changing our thoughts to change our mindset, thus affecting our attitude toward life experiences, loss and motivation. We will explore our world view whether it be one of abundance or lack of abundance.

Audrey Stringer lives in Sarnia, Ontario. She is a Bereavement counsellor, author of 3 books and a motivational speaker. She is a mom, grandmother and great grandmother. She loves to travel with her husband Brian. They have two dogs (Big Al and most recently, a rescue from Mexico -Luna). She is currently writing her 4th book ‘ Dancing to the gifts of Life.’

Mindfulness and Self-Compassion in Daily Life? – July 20

July 20, 2022 6-8 p.m. EDT (convert for my time zone)

Would you like to find ways to relax and ground yourself during stressful periods? Are you hard on yourself and want to develop a kinder and more compassionate relationship with yourself? Developing a sense of mindfulness, which is non-judgmental, moment-to-moment awareness of your thoughts and feelings can help reduce stress reactions, anxiety and improve mood. This two-hour session will introduce participants to the basics of mindfulness, and will also contain a number of​experiential exercises. The session will also introduce the concept of developing and using self-compassion as a tool to soothe and calm ourselves in our daily lives. Participants will leave the session with some concrete strategies they can practice and use in their daily lives.

Ruth Frolic is a Registered Psychotherapist working in private practice and with university students. Ruth has a special interest in supporting those in grief as well as helping her clients to develop mindfulness, gratitude and self-compassion in order to strengthen their resiliency. Ruth studied at the University of Toronto as well as the Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy. Ruth lives in Toronto with her partner, their three children, two cats and one special dog.


To register for one of the above sessions, click here.

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