FamiliesConnect through Online Workshops

If you or a loved one are affected by a work-related tragedy, FamiliesConnect Online Workshops offer a chance to learn healthy coping skills, alongside others who’ve been through a similar experience. 

Each workshop session is led by a grief counsellor, Threads of Life staff member or skilled volunteer. There will be practical tips and information specifically tailored for those dealing with a life-altering workplace injury, occupational disease, or workplace fatality. Participants are free to share as much or as little of their own experience as they feel comfortable doing. 

Workshops are offered at no charge, thanks to the support of Threads of Life’s partners and funders. 

Registration is first-come, first-served. Seats at each workshop are limited, so if you register and find you cannot attend, please notify us. 

If you have questions or need assistance, please call 1-888-567-9490 or email [email protected]

Upcoming workshop sessions you don’t want to miss…

Observing Change with Thomas - Jul 24 NEW!

July 24, 2024 at 7pm Atlantic, 6pm Eastern, 3pm Pacific  (convert for my time zone)

2500 years ago, Heraclitus said “The Only Constant in Life Is Change.” We have been experiencing changes since the beginning! Sometimes, this change happens gradually, such as getting a promotion, becoming empty nesters, or moving houses. Sometimes, this change is amplified by workplace tragedy.

While we all have experienced this change, the question that faces us is this; What are we going to do next?

Come join us as we discuss changes in life, their effects, and how to move forward. Bring your observations to the conversation so we can learn together.

Thomas is the newest member on staff at Threads of Life and is currently the family support coordinator. He and his family have just moved to Cape Breton, where they hope to plant roots after living in 4 provinces in the past 8 years. In his free time, Thomas can be found playing with his children, reading, listening to the ocean, or playing music.


Summer Games Night with Kelley - Aug 28 & 29

August 28, 2024 at 7pm Atlantic, 6pm Eastern, 3pm Pacific (convert for my time zone) and
August 29, 2024 at 6pm Pacific, 9pm Eastern, 10pm Atlantic (convert for my time zone)

Come join us for a fun-filled summer night full of online laughter, games and friendship. We will play some fun games and share a laugh or two. Have your favourite drink and snack ready, and join in for some fun.

Kelley was born and raised in London, Ontario where she lives with her husband and two children and works as an Administrative Assistant at the Threads of Life London office. She is the friendly voice on the other end of the phone when you call! Kelley has a background in retail management and training and in her spare time actively volunteers with Girl Guides of Canada and the Salvation Army Christmas Hamper program in London.


Benefits of a Book Club with Debbie - Sep 18 & 25

September 18, 2024 at 7pm Atlantic, 6pm Eastern, 3pm Pacific  (convert for my time zone) and 
September 25, 2024 at 6pm Pacific, 9pm Eastern, 10pm Atlantic (convert for my time zone

Learn about the benefits of belonging to a book club. Discover how you can create a club that works for you. How do I chose a book? Who chooses the book? Where should you meet? Who facilitates the discussion? How do I select the questions? Find the answers to these questions and more…Come join us for a fun-filled summer night full of online laughter, games and friendship. We will play some fun games and share a laugh or two. Have your favourite drink and snack ready, and join in for some fun.

Debbie is a Duty Consultant with Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. Her 25 + years of experience provide great hands on experience In her role as she answers question from employers throughout the province of Ontario. Debbie also works with various companies to ensure that they are aware of their roles and responsibilities are in relation to health and safety. Debbie is a graduate of Mohawk College and holds certifications in Volunteer Management, Fundraising and Development and Occupational Health and Safety.

Debbie has also been deemed a “Competent Communication” and a “Competent Leader” by the Toastmaster association which is the area of learning that she brings to us today.

