Volunteer Profile: Donna Van Bruggen

Volunteer Profile: Donna Van Bruggen

Donna Van Bruggen’s life was shattered on October 17, 2012 when her son David was killed at work. Donna began a journey to heal her own personal grief and ultimately became a champion to help others living with the aftermath of a workplace tragedy. Donna is a...
Measuring the True Value of Volunteering

Measuring the True Value of Volunteering

If you’re a Threads of Life volunteer, you will be familiar with our ongoing request that you track the time you spend on volunteer activities. You can probably attest to the fact that we ask this repeatedly of all our volunteers. The reason we do this is so that we...
The Ocean {Poem}

The Ocean {Poem}

Whenever I want to find peace within myself, I love to visit the ocean.It has to be the most peaceful place on earth;I feel like I’ve come to visit an old friend who haswelcomed me back home again.I can sit and stare out at nothing but water and sky andnot have a care...