Touched by tragedy

Touched by tragedy

by Wildred LangmaidI never personally knew my maternal grandfather, Leroy Maxwell, but his story was part of the narrative of my childhood. Born on Christmas Day in 1887 in Barre, Vermont, he died five days before Christmas in 1945 when my mother, his youngest child...
Volunteer Profile: Peter Deines

Volunteer Profile: Peter Deines

It may have started out as a work commitment, but for Peter Deines, the connection to Threads of Life quickly transcended work and became “part of the fabric of my life”. Peter has been involved with Threads of Life as a volunteer since 2011, a board member since...
Life after serious injury

Life after serious injury

by Elwin Watts (with thanks to Charles McKay for his friendship and support)  September 21, 1994: A day that was supposed to be like all the others! Waking early to another beautiful September day on Prince Edward Island, I quickly readied for a long workday. Nothing...