Four individuals sit on chairs holding speech bubble signs in front of their faces. The bubbles each have one of the following words: Have you heard about. At the bottom of the image, the Threads of Life logo is displayed.We hear it all the time: families who wish they’d heard of Threads of Life sooner; companies that tell us ‘we’d never heard of you guys’ but who are happy to support our work; friends and strangers who ask “what’s that?” when we mention Threads of Life. One of the biggest challenges for Threads of Life is making sure that those who need us know that Threads of Life exists. 

We have a goal: to make sure that every Canadian family who could benefit from Threads of Life’s programs, will know we’re here for them. How will we do it? Only with a lot of help from you!

The number of family members Threads of Life is supporting grows every year. While we all wish Threads of Life wasn’t needed, we know that we’re currently helping only a fraction of the people who could benefit from our Volunteer Family Guides, family forums, online workshops, newsletters and other services.

One of Threads of Life’s policies is that we don’t reach out directly to families following a work-related tragedy. We believe that there’s a right time for people to find our programs – and that time is different for everyone. That means we need lots of different paths families can follow to find us.

Here’s how it happens:

  • Threads of Life’s partners – both government and corporate – make a huge contribution by sharing the word so that people can find Threads of Life when they need it. On average, more than a third of the new families who come to Threads of Life say they found us through a partner organization. This is especially true of the compensation boards and ministries of labour across the country, whose staffs provide information directly to those affected by workplace tragedies. We make presentations and offer printed materials so that ministry inspectors, compensation case managers and others have the up-to-date knowledge to make those connections.
  • Through social media and the web site: When the time is right, people who’ve experienced a work-related tragedy go searching for help and support. More and more, they find Threads of Life through our social media channels and through this web site. Thank you, Google!
  • Through Steps for Life and the media: Every spring around Steps for Life, new families come to Threads of Life. Volunteers planning the community events do such a great job of promotion, with high-profile posters, brochures and event listings, that the information is hard to miss. 
  • Through family and friends: Someone who is already experiencing Threads of Life’s programs and support is the best ambassador of all. Often, it’s the word-of-mouth testimony from family and friends that inspires someone to reach out and look for healing for themselves.

How you can help us reach our goal:

We want to make sure everyone in Canada knows about Threads of Life, so we can provide a safe landing place when we’re needed. As you see, you play a vital role in making that happen! Here’s what you can do:

  1. Follow and share: Follow us on social media (you can see the links at the top of this page) and share our posts – you never know who among your network might be in need of a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on.
  2. Distribute information: if you’re a safety professional, or a labour inspector, or a social services worker, or a bereavement counsellor or a dozen other roles, you can pass along information to people who may need it. We can provide brochures, or you could simply offer people the link to the Threads of Life web site.
  3. Promote Steps for Life: The more buzz we can create around this important event each year, the more people will be able to find the hope and healing they need.
  4. Talk it up: Don’t be afraid to tell others what you know about Threads of Life. Thousands of people have discovered that they’re not alone in their grief and questioning. Let’s make sure Threads of Life is not Canada’s best kept secret!
Susan Haldane